: force field analysis

Topic: force field analysis

Order Description
Identify forces that act as stimulants to change, and contrast planned and unplanned change.
• Describe the sources of resistance to change.
• Compare the four main approaches to managing organizational change.
• Demonstrate two ways of creating a culture for change.
• Define stress and identify its potential sources.
• Identify the consequences of stress.
• Contrast the individual and organizational approaches to managing stress.

• Attached is a document titled ‘Force Field Analysis’. Identify something in your workplace (or homelife) that you would like to change. Use the attached worksheet to examine how you could go about making a change to this problem.
Write a brief reaction essay about your Force Field Analysis (~300 words).
The due date for this assignment is on May 5 (by 7:30 pm CST). Your response must be submitted via Blackboard. The rubric used for grading this assignment can be found in the syllabus
Force Field Analysis.pdf
Force Field Analysis.docx
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