selfridges’ expansion–a new store open plan in China

Topic: selfridges’ expansion–a new store open plan in China

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develop a written proposal. This proposal should demonstrate that you have read extensively
around the topic and is based on solid preliminary investigation into the research area. Your Final
Project Proposal should include the following:
1. Proposal Title Page (Appendix 3)
2. Abstract
Your abstract is a summary of your assignment and should include your research question and
your keywords. Your abstract should clearly and concisely explain what you will do and how you
will do it.
3. Introduction
The introduction should include your research aims, why you think your research question
important to answer now, and how your research relates to the fashion industry and to
marketing and management.
4. Literature Review
Review the academic research that has been published. Explain how this body of research is
relevant or related to your project, which academic literature you will use in your project and
why, and how this research has rounded your ideas. Your review of the literature should be a
critical analysis of peer-reviewed literature, pointing to questions that can form the basis of your
research question.
5. Methodology
This section should include your research question(s). You will then need to provide a detailed
explanation of how you will collect your research data (data collection methods), as well as the
tools of analysis you will use to interpret that data (analysis methods). You will also need to
explain how these methods and tools of analysis will answer your research question(s).
6. Timetable
Create a schedule for your work. You should include a list of start and end dates for all the tasks
in your project. Some of the tasks included might be:
? finding relevant literature
? reading the literature that you have gathered and analyzing it
? researching possible methods
? data collection
? data analysis
? writing up your final project
? proof reading
? any other tasks relevant to your individual project.
Make sure you allow for any problems that may cause your timetable to change unexpectedly.
7. List of References
8. ERGO Documentation and Submission
If you intend to carry out any primary research that involves people, you will need to submit a
request through the university’s ethics system, ERGO. This submission must be made at the same
time as your Final Project Proposal. This also applies to online research that uses data about human
subjects. You must follow it even if you are only using pre-existing data, such as Twitter users’ tweets
or information from a forum. It is your responsibility to determine if ethical approval is needed for
your research. Ask a tutor if you are in any doubt.
Southampton uses an online system called ERGO for the research-approval process. Researchers
must submit a detailed plan to ERGO for approval before conducting the research. It will then be
assessed and either approved or rejected. If it is rejected, it will be possible to amend the plan and
resubmit it. You must assume that the first step in this process takes approximately one month to
complete. Please note: the form you will fill in when submitting research to ERGO requires a great
deal of detail about the research. If it is not clear, the research will not be approved.
Remember; when developing your project you should bear in mind these three critical factors:
1. Acceptability – will it be approved by the University’s Ethics Committee (if you are
conducting primary research)? Will it produce new knowledge at an MA level?
2. Suitability – Consider whether you are able to create a suitable research design for your
3. Feasibility – you need to make sure that you can complete your Final Project in the time that
you have and to a high enough standard. Also consider whether you have access to the
necessary data sources.


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