Aspect of the Vietnam War
Aspect of the Vietnam War
Please make sure to follow the instructions and the file attached.
The assignment:
Interview someone who was out of high school and in the United States during the Vietnam War, 1965-1975. You need to have a paragraph about the interviewee’s background. The person does not have to be Vietnamese or a veteran. The paper will be graded on its readability, organization and editing. The length of the paper should be two pages. Do not use the person’s actual name.
Your interview is to get the person’s opinion about any aspect of the Vietnam War. There is no set rules or requirements of the interview. It may take one interview or two interview sessions. Some of the questions below might not be appropriate. You might not need to use all of the points below. A few suggestions might be:
1. Did the war affect their lives or their families’ lives.
2. If it did affect their lives, in what way.
3. As part of the public, what views or opinion did they have about the war.
4. Did their view stay the same or change from the beginning to the end of the war?