Using an interdisciplinary approach, explain the changes to the UK family since 1945. Give examples where necessary.
Using an interdisciplinary approach, explain the changes to the UK family since 1945. Give examples where necessary.
Order Description
I want the essay to:
– explain what interdisciplinary social sciences (when using more than 1 discipline to look at a social issue)
– define the family over time (a nuclear family 1945 + the family today)
– why is family important to social scientists (family now… and was … which makes it an example of continuity and change, that is of an interest to social scientists)
– the UK family in “the golden age” (a brief about the golden age)
– the thesis statement that the UK family had CHANGED since 1945
– it MUST use HISTORY, SOCIOLOGY and POLITICS as the interdisciplinary approaches to analyse the change
– IMPORTANT to talk about and mention the change in values + liberalism (ex. same sex couples)
– link conservatism and feminism to the topics (their opinion about them/ how they view them)
(please make it start with an intro then a brief paragraph about the golden age then conservatism and feminism)
The topics to see the change in are : (Must contain up to date statistics)
-Marriage and Divorce (with stats on both 1945 and thee latest stats)
-Women role Now and before (women in politics, female graduates, women in managerial positions) (the end of the ‘Patriarchy’)
– Cohabitation
– ONS –> Office for National Statistics (statistics on family)
– Link to Political ideology
– use the reading list I will attach in the additional files
– and please follow the rubric