75% of our communication to others happens through non-verbal signals

Did you know around 75% of our communication to others happens through non-verbal signals? This means your body language is saying a lot more than you think and even more than you’re consciously speaking about. Through facial expressions, gestures, movements and even your posture, you’re telling a story to your audience.
In addition to your textbook reading, here is a fantastic resource, which includes videos, a couple of other helpful resources about non-verbal communication:
https://positivepsychology.com/nonverbal-communication/Links to an external site.

In your discussion post this week explain how can non-verbal communication help you and how can non-verbal communication hurt you? Explain your thinking and give an example from one of your own communication interactions to support each of your answers.

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The Power of Non-Verbal Communication: A Double-Edged Sword

Non-verbal communication, encompassing body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and other unspoken cues, plays a crucial role in our interactions with others. It conveys emotions, intentions, and attitudes that often go beyond the spoken word. While non-verbal communication can be a powerful tool for building rapport, expressing empathy, and conveying confidence, it can also negatively impact our interactions if not used effectively.

The Benefits of Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication fosters a deeper level of connection between individuals. It complements and enhances verbal communication, providing additional context and nuance to our interactions.

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  1. Building Rapport and Trust

Non-verbal cues, such as maintaining eye contact, smiling, and leaning in, can signal openness, interest, and engagement, fostering a sense of rapport and trust. These positive non-verbal behaviors create a welcoming and supportive environment, encouraging open communication and collaboration.

  1. Expressing Empathy and Understanding

Non-verbal communication allows us to convey empathy and understanding without relying solely on words. A sympathetic look, a gentle touch, or a nod of understanding can go a long way in showing support and compassion, especially in situations of distress or difficulty.

  1. Projecting Confidence and Competence

Effective non-verbal communication can enhance our perceived confidence and competence. Good posture, a firm handshake, and a steady voice project assurance and professionalism, making a positive impression on others and boosting our credibility.

The Pitfalls of Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication can also have unintended negative consequences if not used with care and awareness.

  1. Miscommunication and Misunderstanding

Non-verbal cues can be misinterpreted, leading to confusion and misunderstandings. For instance, a lack of eye contact might be perceived as disinterest or disrespect, while crossed arms could be interpreted as defensiveness or hostility.

  1. Damaging Relationships and Trust

Negative non-verbal behaviors, such as fidgeting, looking away, or avoiding physical contact, can convey disinterest, boredom, or even disrespect, potentially damaging relationships and eroding trust.

  1. Undermining Credibility and Professionalism

Poor non-verbal communication can undermine our credibility and professionalism. Slumped posture, a hesitant voice, or nervous gestures can project insecurity and incompetence, making it difficult to gain the respect and trust of others.

Personal Example: The Impact of Non-Verbal Communication

During a recent job interview, I observed the impact of non-verbal communication firsthand. A fellow interviewee entered the room with a confident stride, maintained direct eye contact, and spoke with a steady voice. These positive non-verbal cues conveyed enthusiasm, professionalism, and competence, making a strong impression on the interviewer.

In contrast, another interviewee entered hesitantly, avoided eye contact, and spoke with a nervous voice. These non-verbal behaviors signaled insecurity and a lack of confidence, potentially diminishing their perceived suitability for the role.


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