5400 MODERN DATABASE ARCHITECTURE – Requirements Document – Technology Section


The Paper Should follow this kind of Order:
1 Open with Executive summary
2 Summary? Start with Business requirements
3 Nature of the data
– These 3 parts in 1Page
What else can we think of?
4 Evaluate the pro/cons of each engine
5 Differential diagnosis (consider and discuss at least two configurations)
6 Recommendations (connect requirements to engines)
7 diagrams

In Part II, you will take on the role of the technology partners. Specifically, you will work with your group to prepare the functional/technical specifications for a Requirements Document that another group (acting as the business partners) started in Part I of the assignment. Please see details below.
Using feedback received on Draft 1, work with your group to revise the first part of the technology section, and draft the remaining parts. Your submission must include the following components:

1. Database Engine
– Compare Risk/Benefits of at least two Database Engines
– Speak to how the chosen engine will support the business needs
2. Data Lake Components
– Data Lake Architecture
 Compare Risk/Benefits of at least two Data Lake configurations
 Speak to how the chosen Configuration will support the business needs
– Recovery/Continuity of Business
 Compare Risk/Benefits of at least two Data Lake configurations
 Speak to how the chosen Configuration will support the business needs
3. Data Governance
The functional/technical specifications section must be detailed and clear with explanation on how the technology supports the business requirements.

Your technology section should be no more than four pages long.

Completed Paper Components
Your completed paper is to include the following:
1. Examine the Bus Requirements
2. Examine the nature of the data required by the Bus Req
3. In light of this, evaluate the pros / cons of at least 2 engines
4. Develop a primary recommendation
5. Develop a secondary recommendation

Assessment Criteria
Quality (up to 10 points): The paper is clear and concise and extends/builds upon feedback received.
Completeness (up to 5 points): The paper includes a thorough description of the database design engine, the file/server components, and data governance.
Collaboration (up to 5 points): You and your group members will be asked to fill out a survey rating your collaboration and efforts as a group member. These ratings will be averaged and determine the point value for this criteria.
A submission that deserves full points is clear and concise, incorporates feedback provided, extends/builds upon the paper’s components into additional areas of consideration, and fully addresses all required components.

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