3D Computer Modelling and Animation BTEC Higher National Certificate Diploma in Computing and Systems Development

3D Computer Modelling and Animation

BTEC Higher National Certificate Diploma in Computing and Systems Development

Learning Outcome    Assess.
Criteria    In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to:    Task no.
(Page no)
LO1    Understand how 3D computer Modelling and Animation are applied in commercial context
Evaluate the application of 3D computer modelling and animation in commercial context
Analyse technical requirements for 3D computer modelling and animation in a commercial context    1
LO2    Be able to create a complex 3D scene
2.1     Develop a complex scene using available geometric objects
Select tools and techniques appropriate to creative intentions    2
2.2     Select tools and techniques appropriate to creative intentions    3
LO3    Be able to create a 3D model within a scene
3.1    Use editing tools to create custom objects    4

3.2    Apply knowledge of hierarchy and linking    5
3.3    Modify an existing pre-set object to meet creative intentions.
LO4    Be able to produce 3D animations
to meet a creative brief    4.1    Use camera views creatively and effectively    6
4.2    Apply morphing techniques    7
4.3    Produce effective animation work that combines scenicand character elements.    8

Assignment brief
Unit number and title    Unit 38: 3D Computer Modelling and Animation
Qualification    BTEC Higher National Certificate Diploma in Computing and Systems Development
Start date

Assignment title    3 D application: Develop and animate a complex scene

Purpose of this assignment
Through the course of this unit you will generate a portfolio of work and knowledge that you can submit to a potential employer / higher education interview upon request.
This assignment will allow you to provide evidence of your ability to develop a complete, rendered final animation that will combine all of the work from Task 2 onwards.


Task Guide
Your submission should include the following sections:
1.    Cover Page (Course Name, Assignment Brief Number, Student Name and Student No., Evidence page numbers, date submitted and signed declaration with date),
2.    Table of Content
3.    Table of figures
4.    Table of tables
5.    Footnotes
6.    Numbered pages
Harvard Referencing style (Online or Text resources)

Task 1  (LO1 , 1.1, 1.2 M3)

Understand how 3D computer Modelling and Animation are applied in commercial context
Task 1.1 – This provides evidence for criteria reference 1.2 (1500 words)

Select 2 options from the following list:

•    Computer game
•    Video
•    Film
•    Television
For each one identify an example of 3D graphics used within that medium within the last 5 years.
Create a report that identifies the following about your 2 choices, and compares them against one another if appropriate.
Note that the examples you discuss do not have to be entirely CGI, but must make extensive use of the technology.

Production resources
a.    Machine specification (machines used to create the graphics or to render them)
b.    Memory requirements (How much RAM was utilised, and was it an appropriate amount)
c.    Rendering time
d.    Software used (Was the software the most appropriate choice, what others were available)
LO1.2, M3(part)
Output Requirements
a.    Identify the end user and discuss any requirements that would have to have been focused on to meet their particular needs
b.    Machine specification of the clients’ machine – why might this be a consideration?
c.    Real time requirements
d.    What are the required frames per second for the medium
e.    File sizes (Approximate)
f.    Bandwidth requirements  – download time / streaming / network play

LO1.2, M3(part)
a.    Identify the key models that are used (Main characters)
b.    Identify the environments that are used
c.    Identify the principal animations used (Walk cycles, doors opening, etc.)
LO1.2, M3(part)
Task 1.2 – This provides evidence for criteria reference 1.1 (750 words)

Produce a final section to your report that evaluates both animations; be sure to discuss the following:

a.    The overall purpose of the animation
b.    The context of the animation (entertainment, education, advertisement, etc.)
c.    Did it meet its purpose?
d.    What is the target audience?
e.    Is the piece of work under discussion deemed to be successful financially and / or artistically?
f.    Does the product make reference to the work of others, if so is that used appropriately?
g.    In your opinion was it a good application of 3D modelling and animation?
LO1.1, M3 (part)
Merit Descriptor

M3 – present and communicate appropriate findings
The appropriate structure and approach has been used

You will receive this merit if the report is professionally laid out, provides excellent detail, and covers all topics in a thorough manner that makes use of references to reinforce your points. In order to achieve this criterion you must make sure that all of your work:
•    Makes good use of headings
•    All sections are covered in good detail, making sure that subheadings and multiple paragraphs have been used appropriately
•    Work has been proof read, and spelling or grammar mistakes are kept to a minimum
•    Images are used to reinforce points
•    Citations / references are correctly used and are employed intelligently to support points

Task 2.1,  (Lo2, 2.1 M3 )

This provides evidence for criteria reference 2.1
Develop a complex scene using available geometric objects

To meet this criterion you will produce a complex scene using the skills you have developed on the course.
This is a very open task and is limited only by your imagination and technical ability.

Below are some ideas you may wish to use:

•    3D trade show exhibit floor plan
•    Underwater setting
•    Home or familiar environment
•    Fantasy setting
•    Sci-fi setting
•    Indoor
•    Outdoor

It may be of benefit to plan out your scene on a sheet of paper before you start.
The scene must be suitably complex, an empty room would not be appropriate.
The scene must be designed in such a way that an appropriate and related 3D model can be animated within it for Task 4.

Task 2.2 – This provides evidence for criteria reference LO2: 2.2 M2,D2,D3

Select tools and techniques appropriate to creative intentions

Make successful use of tools covered in class to produce your 3D scene, these can include but are not limited to:
Scale, link, unlink, move, render, zoom, navigate, use of lighting.

Evidence required:

Check the merit criteria to ensure that the scene has been created using appropriate geometric objects and tools.

Submit in a Word document at least 4 renders of your completed scene to the Moodle upload point to show as much of your completed scene as possible

You must also upload the completed 3D file and any used textures in a Zip file.

Merit Criteria

M2 – Select/design/apply appropriate methods/techniques
A range of methods and techniques have been applied

In order to achieve this criterion your scene will effectively apply a range of methods / techniques that may include but are not limited to:
•    Advanced lighting effects
o    Shadow casting
o    A variety of different lighting types(Omni, Directional, Spot)
•    Complex texture mapping
o    Use of UVW mapping
o    Use of diffuse, bump, opacity, reflection etc. maps in a combination
o    Development of own maps through image editing software such as Photoshop
o    UVW unwrap tool
•    Different rendering techniques have been utilised
o    Raytrace
o    Phong
o    Mental Ray renderer
•    Scene objects are appropriately named throughout

If you employ any features that are not in this list check with your lecturer first to confirm they are suitable.

Evidence required:
A number of print screens of each method / technique being applied and a small written description (4 lines of text) to explain how and why it is being used

Distinction Criteria
D2 – Take responsibility for managing and organising activities

Substantial projects have been planned, managed and organised

This criteria runs throughout the entire of assignments, it may only be earned once.

In order to achieve this criterion you will have to submit your assignments by or before the deadline.

D3 – Demonstrate convergent / lateral / creative thinking
Ideas have been generated and decisions taken

In order to achieve this criterion you need to demonstrate that you have gone to great lengths to choose an appropriate setting for your project that has also considered the animation that will be employed within it for task4.

Show that you have provided a number of designs for your scene and provide iterations of development by identifying elements that you wish to keep and pass into the next and hopefully more specific version of the scene design.

These designs must be annotated and specific, objects will be identified and clear progression from the number of possible options leading to the final design will be clear.

These designs maybe paper based, electronic or a combination of both, you may also wish to include written notes to support the ideas generation process.

Task 3.1, ( Lo2, 2.2, D1 )

This provides evidence for criteria reference 3.1

Use editing tools to create custom objects

The software we have used are full of complex tools that allow a developer to create custom objects, examples include the use of splines (lines, rectangles and text) combined with extrude, lathe, cross-section etc.

The character you create must include at least one example of editing tools to create a custom object.

Task 3.2 – This provides evidence for criteria reference 3.2
Apply knowledge of hierarchy and linking

The character you create must include a unique linking structure to demonstrate your understating of the topic.
You may not use a biped for example and call it pre-linked, it must be a structure created from scratch. However a freshly created objected added to a Biped and linked to it appropriately would be suitable.


Task 3.3 – This provides evidence for criteria reference 3.3
Modify an existing present object to meet creative intentions

You must select a pre created object available in the software and modify it in some way for your final character (box, sphere, chamfer box, tube, etc.), and example might be the use of box modelling techniques, editable mesh, editable poly, combining and breaking sections of the mesh, Boolean union or Boolean subtraction etc. to modify the object.
It must be created from a basic object available in the interface and then modified (A teapot springs to mind)

Evidence required

All LO 3 tasks require a single written demonstration of the tools and techniques to be submitted with the software file that contains the character.
This written demonstration will show each tool / techniques used for each task and a written description showing how you used them.

Distinction Criteria

Task 3.4–Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions – D1
Self-criticism has taken place

Write a small report that highlights any areas of weakness about the character you have created. What worked, what did not, and how you could develop the character for the future.

What worked from a technical stand point, as well as a graphical stand point – did the rigging and the hierarchal structure work well? Is it appropriately textured? Were the tools and techniques used the most suitable ones for the task?

Justify the needs of the object you have created in terms of the animation as a whole, did you meet them?

These are just a few examples for you to discuss.

(1500 words)

D2 – Take responsibility for managing and organising activities
Substantial projects have been planned, managed and organised

This criteria runs throughout the entire of assignments 2, 3 and 4 it may only be earned once.

In order to achieve this criterion you will have to submit all 3 assignments by or before the deadline.

Lo4: Create the animation

Create a complete working animation using the scene and object / character you have created in assignment 2 and 3. This animation can be anything of your choice, on any topic of your choice, the only stipulation is that the animation must be 10 seconds or over and include a substantial amount of movement and key framing to justify the length of the animation.

You will need to produce an annotated storyboard design for the animation, this design must be clear, and include a number of pertinent details such as: what camera angles will be used, the techniques to be employed within each scene, object position, lighting effects, etc.

This storyboard may be paper based or electronic, but must also be submitted on the day of submission.

The animation you produce must contain the features listed in the following tasks in order to achieve each learning outcome:

Task 4.1: This provides evidence for Learning Objective 4.1
Use camera views creatively and effectively.

Either use at least 3 different static cameras in the scene, or 1 animated camera that includes suitably complex movement.

Task 4.2: This provides evidence for Learning Objective 4.2
Apply morphing techniques to at least 1 object within your scene – This does not have to be the character .

You could use the morpher modifier to: set up a number of available facial expressions, animation states, or positional properties for the character / object, trees swaying from side to side, grass movement, etc.

This tool must be used effectively in the animation.

Task 4.3: This provides evidence for Learning Objective 4.3
Produce effective animation work that combines scenic and character elements

The animation will include more movement than just the animated character by itself, suitable examples include:

•    A moving light source
•    Opening / closing doors or windows
•    Transforming objects (move, rotate, scale)
•    Complex particle effects
•    Animated water / lightning effects

Evidence required

All 3 tasks require a single written document that demonstrates the features employed
This written demonstration will show the feature asked for in each task and a written description / annotation showing how you used them. Before, during and after screenshots would be appropriate visual evidence in combination with the written annotation / description.

You must also submit the final animation as a video to Moodle. Be warned – this file is likely to be very large and take a significant time to render and then upload. Completing this early is highly recommended.
You will also submit the software file that contains the final animation and the storyboard design.
On the day of submission an observation will be carried out to demonstrate the animation you have created, questions will be asked to assess your understanding of all elements of the work gone into the animation.

Merit Criteria

M1 – Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
Complex problems with more than 1 variable have been explored

Provide an additional annotated storyboard for your animation that is as detailed as the initial design. This will allow you to choose which animation is most suitable for you to actually produce.

Write up a small evaluation to explain your decision, and justify why you have selected the chosen storyboard.Show how you have explored the different possibilities in detail.

650 words


http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=3dsmax+eviornment+designs+  0r  https://www.google.ie/?gws_rd=cr,ssl&ei=aGkhVJDSFsTW7QbWoIC4Cw#q=enivorment+desiign+in+3dsmax


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