1 page should be completed within next 36 hours.

1 page should be completed within next 36 hours. The bid is stated accordingly.
So in this order i need to files.
The first one is one and half pages:
1) Finish Chapter 5 of The Guide. Carefully read this chapter and think about the concepts as you begin drafting your next paper.

2) Reread the goals for Writing Project 3, then forget about them for a minute.

3) Find an article, ideally argumentative or opinionated, to use for your next writing project. This needs to be an article that you can respond to, so make sure you’re interested in it, and that you can question it. You may choose one of the articles at the bottom of the Week 8 module. See “Some Potential Articles for WP3.” If you want to find a different article to use, see the bottom of this homework assignment for more help.

4) Take notes on your article and begin to write a summary of it. Attempt to read it “with the grain.” Then respond to it or evaluate it rhetorically. Think about the believing and doubting game; think about ethos/logos/pathos; and also use Chapter 5 for help. Create a working thesis statement concerning your opinion about your topic (or concerning the effectiveness of your chosen article). Remember that you can both agree and disagree with your article.

5) Step back from your notes and concentrate on writing a good introduction. Include a personal story or observation that leads into the subject matter, then introduce the article and the basic gist of its main ideas. Next, respond to the article and state your overall thesis.

6) Reread the objectives for Writing Project 3 and begin drafting paragraphs that both summarize and respond to your chosen article. If you don’t have much to say, find a way to respond to each main idea, or focus your attention on certain supporting details. You are now working on your “zero draft.” You should be at this point by Tuesday.

7) By next Friday, complete a rough draft. Bring a copy to class for peer review.

Submit your homework online and bring a copy to class for peer review.

What kind of article should I choose?
To choose an article that will work, carefully consider the concepts from Chapter 5. You’ll need to choose something that you can analyze rhetorically and which you strongly agree or disagree with. Therefore, you’ll need to choose an article that takes a stand on an issue (it should have a clear thesis and purpose). Finding such an article might take research. Newspaper editorials can work, as can academic articles, but make sure you choose something you can handle. As you try out possible articles to use, try playing the believing/doubting game. As described in Chapter 5, see if you can read your potential article “with the grain” and “against the grain.” Make sure to choose an article that you can summarize and evaluate. Also stated above, you may also choose one of the articles at the bottom of the Week 8 module under the link “Some Potential Articles for WP3.”

What topic should I choose?
If you have a topic or issue in mind, try searching for an article using different search terms, phrases, and questions about that topic or issue. If you already know of an article that will work, you may use that. Consider further investigating the problems you created in your significant event/local issue paper. Can you find a suitable argumentative or opinionated article that addresses the same issues? Explore phrases and questions based around other issues that interest you. Still another place to start is in the library databases. They can be found at http://www.uvu.edu/library/find/articles.html (Links to an external site.) — you might try, for example, investigating issues using CQ Researcher, which you can browse by topic or date (note that while CQ Researcher is a good place to investigate issues, it might not provide the best articles; instead, use it as a springboard for ideas).

Where can I find articles to use?
Try using the library databases, particularly “Academic Search Premier.” See the link above. The library “one search” engine might also be good. Try out different combinations of phrases to hone in on articles about your topic. If you get too many results, use more specific language to phrase your question. Look for articles that are available electronically. Skim through the possibilities until you find something that works. If you cannot find anything suitable, you can try using Google, but if you resort to that, you must use a reputable source such as a magazine or newspaper, and your article must be at least several pages long. Keep in mind that research is a process and resist giving in to a simple web search to find your article.

the other papers need to be 4 to 6 pages:

Your overall goal with this assignment is to summarize an article, analyze it rhetorically, and respond to it in your own words. Consult Chapter 5 of The Guide for help.

1) Find an appropriate argumentative or opinionated article using the directions from Homework 9. Your article needs to have issues you can analyze and respond to (10 points).

2) Write an introduction to your article, or a few introductory paragraphs, explaining the basic idea of your article and your response to it (10 points).

3) Write a summary of your article (2 or so pages) and make sure you summarize the issues, arguments, and main ideas. Refer to the author of your article several times within the body your summary. Some of your summary material can be part of your response. See the summary of Pollan in Chapter 5, as well as Kyle Madsen’s response paper (25 points).

4) Analyze your article rhetorically using techniques from Chapter 5. You might refer to “angle of vision” or ethos/logos/pathos. Critique at least two or more elements of your article. As discussed in Chapter 5, attempt to write a “blended critique” (10 points).

5) Write a strong response to your article and make sure to include a thesis statement concerning that response. This can be about the topic itself or the effectiveness of your chosen article. Your thesis statement should appear near the beginning of the paper (10 points).

6) Include a quote from your article and a parenthetical citation that refers to your works cited page. Also, within the body of your summary, include another parenthetical citation (perhaps after a paraphrase or after a section that refers heavily to the language of your source). See the Writing Center Handouts for information on MLA citations. Include a “Works Cited” page (10 points).

7) Include an effective conclusion that sums up the developments of your paper (10 points).

8) Make use of “signal words” in your paper to help with transitions and indicate patterns of organization. See the electronic resources from Week 9 (5 points).

9) Make sure your paper meets the length requirement and reflects careful revision and editing for grammatical mistakes (10 points).

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